Wind is our best natural resource
Decarbonise by converting excess renewable electricity into industrial heat
Power to Heat
Zero carbon. 0 to 90tph high pressure steam. 99% efficient. Decarbonise industry and reduce turndown of wind generators. Boilers developed in Norway to optimise excess renewable hydroelectricity repurposed for Irish wind resource.
Sustainable Industrial Decarbonisation
Operate flexibly to complement variable renewable generation. Benefit from cheap wholesale electricity prices. Receive revenue from System Services and frequency regulation in times of high wind penetration. Arbitrage between fuel types in real time.
Community Benefit of Wind
Secure jobs from carbon leakage in areas of constrained wind. Maximise use of the existing electricity network, reduce the costs to all consumers of electricity (supplier charges, PSO, Grid fixed charges). Achieve 70% RES-E quicker and cheaper.
Affordable zero carbon industrial heat through flexible electrification
Flex Power Solutions is passionate about decarbonising heat on Irish industrial sites. With integrity and competence, we install electrode boilers that convert excess renewable electricity generation into useful heat. By operating these boilers flexibly, we can help our clients to achieve 30% carbon reduction while saving money. Using our proven technology in new ways we maximise the use of existing grid infrastructure to minimise dispatch down of wind turbines, while providing a valuable service to the Transmission System Operator.

From renewable power to heat
PARAT; boilers since 1920.
Renewable energy can be used in steam grids and district heating networks. The electrode boiler is also a valuable backup boiler.
- Zero Carbon Steam
- High pressure steam up to 85 barg
- 0MW up to 60MW (90tph steam) in one unit
- From cold to full load in less than 5 minutes
- Compact foot print
- Minimum maintenance required
- Steam and/or hot water (combined in one unit)
- Low load capability
- 6 kV - 24kV
- Pure resistance load
- Superheater option
- Electrical grid regulation
Ireland aims to generate over 80% of all electricity from renewable sources by 2030
- 2021 Program for Government, "80 by 30"
- Tripling of wind capacity
- 2021 Climate Action Plan 51% reduction in GHG by 2030
- 100% of steam production from gas-electric hybrid heating

From renewable power to heat
Renewable energy can be used in steam grids and district heating networks. The Electric Boiler is also a valuable backup boiler.
- Zero Carbon Steam
- 0 to 5MW (0 to 7.5tph) in one unit
- Compact and robust design
- Boiler and power cabinet are separated.
- Constructed in accordance with PED 2014/68/EU
- Steam and/or hot water
- Low load capability
- Supply voltages: 230V, 400V and 690V
- Pure resistance load
- Electrical grid regulation
Reduce consumer bills by maximising energy use
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